Scar Treatment
C-section scars - a badge of honor or bane of perfect skin?
Scars - We've all got them and we all feel differently about them. They can be a badge of honor or the bane of one's existence.
Scars may remind us of how strong we have had to be to overcome serious injuries or illness or the fortitude it takes to get through a difficult pregnancy. They often can be the source of great stories that involve epic adventures or monkey knife fights. Often they are unwanted reminders of domestic violence, service in wars or the simple fact that the human body is fallible, fragile, and too often frail. How you got your scars and how you feel about them can be deeply personal. At SkinWise Rx we will celebrate with you the scars you are proud of and treat those that you would like to wish away.
Don't live with unwanted scars. Book your appointment now.
“Scars can be as different as snowflakes and have to be treated uniquely. ”
Scars can be as different as snowflakes and have to be treated uniquely. There are many treatments/combinations of treatments that can be used to address unwanted scars. The combination of your age, the scar's age, its size, skin type, and scar type all affect how a scar should be treated for best results.
Silicone gel sheeting has been used for first-line scar treatment for more than 30 years. Over the decades products have continued to improve, reducing costs and providing improved results. So much so that topical silicone gel products are overwhelmingly the preferred and recommended treatment for early scar management and the prevention of abnormal scarring.
Exactly how Silicone Gel Sheeting works to improve scars is still being discussed and disputed in the medical field, what no one is arguing is if SGS works. "SGS improves hypertrophic scars, keloid development and recovery." It is generally believed by the medical community that SGS keeps the wound hydrated and closes off the blood vessels in the area suppressing the creation of scar cells.
“Silicone Gel Sheeting improves hypertrophic scars, keloid development and recovery.”
Silicone gel sheets are noninvasive and can easily be applied at home by the patient. For best results SGS should be worn daily for approximately 6-12 months. At that point other scar therapies can be considered.
For minor scarring, chemical peels can be an effective and relatively inexpensive solution with little downtime. Chemical peels remove the top layers of skin causing the body to generate new skin and collagen which helps fill in superficial textural changes. This smooths and tones skin and decreases discolorations.
Before/After image of SkinWise Rx scar treatment.
For more severe scarring, your options include radiofrequency (RF) microneedling and laser resurfacing. RF microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment with little downtime. Using heat and small needles, RF microneedling breaks up the scars and encourages new skin and collagen growth improving texture and pore size. Three to four treatments are typically necessary to achieve desired results.
“SkinWise Rx offers several procedures for the treatment of unwanted scarring”
Ablative laser resurfacing is more invasive and has a 7-10 days downtime. Depending on the severity of scarring, laser resurfacing may be the most effective treatment. Laser resurfacing removes the damaged layers of skin which generates new skin and encourages collagen remodeling resulting in smoother and brighter skin. This also takes a series of 2-4 treatments.
The scarring caused by severe acne can be treated as well. SkinWise Rx offers several procedures for the treatment scarring depending on the type and severity. Know that acne scars vary from rolling, boxcar, icepick, and atrophic. Many of these types will be present in a single area of concern. Acne scar treatment is never one and done. It takes a series to lessen the impact of permanent damage.